Wednesday 3 April 2013


"Ya Allah...sedihnya"....I have no place to place nk share.. :(...huhu...but then I have nobody to tell...nk bgtaw kwn pownn..errr,,, I don't think so..coz I don't want to burden any one....but after all I realize...I still have One...the One who always listen to me...who always watching me...and that is the almighty, ALLAH S.W.T....I only have Allah....only He see my tears..Ya Allah!!~ knapa la aq jdi cmnih..huhu :(

 Maybe org nmpk aq sabaq dngan ujian neyh...sebab...I can smile and laugh in front of others...but I can't lie to myself...behind them...I always cry and only Allah be my x taw nk buat pa YA ALLAH!!!..what I can do for now is just write....when I feel sad, I will write  n write until my sadness gone...I will pray to Him...and tell everything to Him...."Ya Allah....please take all these sadness from me...I can't bear it anymore...and only You know, how sad I feel...."

Sometimes....I think...what should I do??? Do I have to forgive the person who hurts me..?? And I always ask Allah to make that sense comes into my heart...and I always ask Him to show me the true..."Ya Allah, perhatikanlah aku kebenaran dengan yang benar, dan berilah jalan untukku mengikutinya, dan perhatikanlah aku kebatilan dengan yang batil, dan berilah aku jalan untukku menjauhinya.." "Ya Allah...please take all my anger...and take all the memories that cause my anger and sadness away from me...If necessary, I want to delete everything...everything from the past that make me hurt...."Ya Allah....bantulah aq..permudahkanlah urusankuu....I can't find anybody but You...please send Your love for me, so that I will get the love from your lovers..." pikiaq....maybe ALLAH just nk remind aq...because I rarely do my 'tahajud' this year...and this year is toward the end by now...and He wants me to upgrade my 'ibadah' start again my 'tahajud'......"Ampunilah dosa hambaMu yang sering lalai dan leka ini ya Allah...." ya Allahhh!!

"Ya Allah...sedihnya...." I cry and cry and  cry....only Allah see my tears....I only have Him...."Ya Allah, please send me your strength through my doa'..through my 'ibadah'....through my 'sujud'....through my 'tahajud'...."huhuhuh... :(  kuatkan lah aq ya Allahh!

Thank you Allah for being with me no matter how...even I'm sad...even I'm happy...You always with me..You never left me alone..."THANK YOU ALLAH" "I really love You..ALLAH"...

                                               --------------MIMIE :'( -------------------



                                  اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُهُ 

Ya Allah sejak dua menjak ni
Bnyak sngat msalah n ujian yg aq dapat
Tension  sngat rsa, stress and depress

Kdang2 tu aq xleh nk kawal emosi ni
Bila da tention sngat,,mula la aq wt mcm2

Kadang2 aq fikir.
Teruknyaa prangai  aq ni.
Mcam org yg x brilmu ja aq hadapi smua ujian ni.
Memang x spatutnya aq terus menerus slahkan keadaan.
Aq patut kuatkan diri aq dengan bersabar.

Ya sabar tu lah yang pling penting dlm hidup.
Klau dh hilang sabarq syaitan tu memang suka tngok kta marah2.
Aq x tahu la kenapa aku jadi macam ni.
Aq ni kan macam budak2 yg x taw nk wt pa..*blur*~

Cepat sangat putus asa. Cepat sangat give up.
Kalau aku ada masalah aku selalu mengalah.
Aku cepat tension kalau ade benda yang x kena.

 Sebab tu aq erlukan kawan2 dlam hidup ni.
Dripada kwan2 aq dpat kkuatan.

Kawan2 yg baek sntiasa nsihat aq utk kuat semangat.
Alhamdulillah Allah temukan aku dengan kawan2 yang baek.

Bila aku jatuh depa tolong aku.
Bila aku berjaya depa sama2 gembira.
Bila aku give up diorang depa aku.

Syukur ya Allah krana tmukan aq dngan depa huhu :(

Aq sdeyh sngat bila da msalah yg aku dpat.
Sbab rsa mcam hdup aku pnuh msalah.

Tapi bila pikiaq2 balik, msalah aku ni kecik jaa.
Ni semua ujian Allah dlam hidup.
Bnyak lagi orang kt luar sana yang lebih bermasalah.

Ampunkan aku Ya Allah :(

Semoga Dengan Ujianmu Ini Ya Allah Menjadikan Aku Lebih Kuat Menghadapi Kehidupan Aku Yang Mendatang.