Sunday 17 November 2013

I guess that I forgot I had a choice


hmm..ok...I know what's meant to be mine will eventually be mine..... But sometime this tiny evil mind of mine keeps whispering words of doubt... which is we can't let go of something we regard as precious. Chase it until we make it ours. And if it's not ours, do anything or everything we can to reverse the situation....

Haihhhh.. !!

I know...... Istiqamah is not easy. Hijrah tuuu mmg mudahh, but nk istiqamah tuu ??? nk terus kekal cekalkan hati ??? Cenna na nk  make sure biar hati ni x berbolak-balik ??? ustaz ana da bgtaw ri2 bnyakkn bca doa niey...."Robbana la tuziq qulubana ba'da iz hadaytana wahablana min ladun karahmah ..innakaantal wahhab" haaa....klu pyh sngt tngok la sndiri bwah nie nohhh :)

*make sure hafal*

 Kadang2...or sometimes , bila rasa x kuat, ana akn try duduk and fikir balik...I wll ask myself...What made you decide to change ??? Knapa berhijrah at the first place ? Bila ingat sakitnya knapa tuuu,haa.. barulah tersedar blik... Because we'll realise how ungrateful we had been all this while when, He had given so much but yet we are still losing to the ones called shaytan; disobeying Him and committing sins...

Hidayah Allah dtg setiap hari.... But it's up to us whether to see or keep blindfolding ourselves with the images of dunya. And hidayah tu dtg  melalui mcm2 cara. Dreams,, People,,, Pain,, Heartbreaks....

Soalnya samada kita sedar or x yg Dia tgh try brbicara dgn kita... :'(

Tapi manusia nieyhh sifat dya  lemah... Jauh sngat drpda baqa' yakni kekal. so,, setiap yg brlaku dlm hidup kita x kekal. Hati kita brubah. Iman kita sndiri  sat brtambah sat brkurang. Posting Islamic tweets, status or updates don't make you 'pious'.....It only creates the image of 'pious'.!! It's always good to share good things to people. But apa guna suma tu klau kta sndiri x maw try nk  pebetulkn diri ??? Dok tweet benda2  Islamik tp lepas tu hangpa mncarut...kan?? hmmm~

Apabnda la tuu ???

In a nutshell (hamboiih bajet speaking la aq niey), jalan hidup kita niey will always  berliku. Allah kurniakan hidayah bkannya nk jnjikan prjlnan yg mudahh, tapi ntuk jnjikan pngakhiran yg indah. ""Innakala tughliful mii'ad. Sesungguhnya Engkau x prnah memungkiri janji :) jnji Allah i2 pasti ~haa. mcm tjuk lgu shoutul amal dh nie... hee~

Smile,,, have faith,,,, be strong. And lets continue our battle. For our journey back to Syurga Firdausi won't be easy. I hope to see you there soon. And let's pray all of us will see each other over there.
*bajet omputih*

Friday 15 November 2013


Bismillahhirahmanirrahim...... :) 


O  Allah, I have greatly wronged myself and no one forgives sins but You.  So, grant me forgiveness and have mercy on me. Surely, you are  Forgiving, Merciful.
O  Allah, by Your Knowledge of the unseen and by Your Power over creation ,  let me live if You know that life is good for me , and let me die if  You know that death is good for me . 
Forgive me my sins , surely you are Forgiving, Merciful;x Jameelah

O Allah, I have greatly wronged myself and no one forgives sins but You. So, grant me forgiveness and have mercy on me. Surely, you are Forgiving, Merciful.
O Allah, by Your Knowledge of the unseen and by Your Power over creation , let me live if You know that life is good for me , and let me die if You know that death is good for me .
Forgive me my sins , surely you are Forgiving, Merciful;
x Mimie :'D